Friday, February 26, 2010

It's been quilting season for me

Well, I've been busy lately. Not doing too much here and there except so dabbling.  Would like to go back to wood burning, painting, drawing, etc, but just haven't found the time. 

One of the things I was working on were some quilts. Over the years I usually try to make at least one quilt a year if not two or three. Unfortunately, I did not think to take photos of all the quilts I was working on this year or two, just for my own scrapebook, but here are a couple that I finished recently. 

As always, I do NOT claim to be any good at what I am doing, I just claim to be having a GREAT time doing it!

The first one is a quilt for my son. Actually I made him 2 quilts, these are not colors I personally care for, I prefer more earthy tones but they fit the quilt's center piece...

The first one is a "Beatles - All You Need Is Love" quilt. After piecing it together, I hand quilted the entire quilt. I quilted the center piece following the original design.

Around it I quilted in peace signs, an outline of my son's hand in a peace sign, musical notes, hearts and the triangles found on the outside border .

The second one I created for my son is left over material from the original "Beatles" quilt. This one is the "Peace" quilt. Also hand quilted with peace signs & hearts over the entire quilt.

The last one I have to show you, well, I didn't think to take a photo of the finished product before I shipped it off to my sister as a gift. I only took photos of some of the squares I had created. Her quilt was filled with "Teddy Bears & Hearts".

I had made my sister a smaller lap top quilt many years ago but it is now long gone. This quilt was to cover her entire bed so this one is a much larger one.
Its always nice to work on a quilt during the colder months. You can keep busy while watching TV, visiting with others, etc, but can still stay warm and feel productive.

Wish I had taken photos of quilts I have made over the years for my niece and nephews. Each one of them received a quilt at some point where I took a fabric book panel, (example: Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeerm Frosty the Snowman, etc), cut the panels apart and created a book quilt instead of just a book. Then sent along a copy of a movie to go with that quilt. This way they could watch the movie and follow the story line with their own quilt. Makes reading a little more cozy & fun.
Keep creating everyone!

Burlap Bag Bowls & Mugs

Here is the first set of burlap bag bowls/mugs, in brown.
Unbelievable. For me anyway. I have gotten a few people requesting to purchase my burlap bag bowls. People can be crazy!

Well, trying my hand at something new. Creating bowls & mugs. One set is in brown, I left the outside a rough and dull. The inside is glazed and finished.

The bowls have ties that are woven around the rim of the bowls. On the smaller bowl, I created what looks like a tear in the fabric, then laced it up with the ties as well.

I also created a mug to match the two bowl sets.

My favorite is the Walnut finish.
I personally prefer this finish, but I have some who seem to like the darker brown.

Here is the mug

I tried a lower bowl as well.