Sunday, July 31, 2016

Scrimshaw Powder Horn - Masonic Symbolism

I was commissioned to create a horn using Masonic Symbolism.
Here is the front view...

The back of the horn.....

I used a beautiful carved violin peg that I had to finish this piece.

Hope you enjoy!

All my scrimshaw is hand done with a scribe making them one of a kind.


Email me with any inquiries:
Thanks for looking!

Red Wing Crock Lid, Fawn & Ferns - Woodburning

Here is a project I started a couple of years back, but with our move to our new home, plus work, it got put to the back burner.
I love just taking the ordinary and using it for my own canvas.  Here I have a wooden lid for my Red Wing crock.  Started to wood burn a fawn hiding in ferns.  

Hope to finish it up sometime soon. For now, though, it still made the lid a little nicer.

All my work is hand done making them one of a kind.

Email me with any inquiries:
Thanks for looking!