Sunday, September 28, 2014

Scrimshaw Powder Horn - Eagle - E Pluribus Unum

The image on this horn is fashioned after the style of eagles I found on many of the powder horns from the 1700 & 1800's.  

The image on the back is also a variation of different versions of the 'sun' that I found on several antique horns.

This horn was donated to the
Big Muddy River Rendezvous as an auction piece.

All my scrimshaw is hand done making them one of a kind.

Email me with any inquiries:

Scrimshaw Powder Horn - Mermaids - 3 Sisters

Well it has been a while since I posted one of my scrimshaw pieces.  Seems like as soon as I make a mermaid one, they are typically spoken for.  
Each in the 3 Sisters - 3 Mermaids series is different and unique.  
Here is a latest one.  Please excuse the fact that in order for you to see some of this piece, I kept having to rotate the horn and get small segmented photos for you to see.

All my scrimshaw is hand done making them one of a kind.
Sold:  $275
Email me with any inquiries:
Thanks for looking!