Sunday, August 7, 2011

Pyrography - Wood Burning Fun 3

I had given my 2 gallon crock away as a gift....we all seem to have a habit of finishing a project and out the door it goes, so I found another 2 gallon crock and created a new lid.  Went with somewhat the same style I used with the lady and the hair but tried a different angle, and tried masking more of her face. 

I don't think it is as dramatic as the other face, but I like the subtle look to it.  I had fun and that really is the main thing here.

She just seemed a little more mysterious, like you keep waiting for the whisps of hair to move away from her face so you can see her eyes, see what she was thinking, feeling.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Pyrography - Wood Burning Fun 2

Well, finally got around to working on my 5 gallon Red Wing crock lid.  Still may need some work but I believe I like this one. 

The picture was from watching our cat Isabel as she sleeps, or as she is better known, "Izzy".

My first 2 gallon crock ended up being given away as a gift so I was lucky enough to find another 2 gallon crock, which means, of course, new wooden canvas for me!!

I know the pyrography lids may not seem to go with the crocks, but I like the extra interest it brings to them.

If the crock is going to have a functioning lid, why not have some fun with it.  Right?!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Pyrography - Wood Burning Fun

It just seems like I go for ages before posting something new so for those who have asked, here are a couple of pieces I did this last week.  Though they are very similar, if you look close, the ladies are a little different...making each item a bit unique. 

For those who have not read my posts in the past, please keep in mind, I am having fun here, I do NOT claim to be any good at what I am doing, just that I am having a great time doing it.

First off, I had gotten a 2 gallon Red Wing crock for my birthday so I decided to make a lid for it. The lid just looked so plain to me. The more I looked at the lid, the more it looked like I saw a face. So I decided to bring that face out.


Later, I decide to work on the face a little bit by trying to recreate it on a wooden plate I had laying around the house.

I love the natural color of the wood on this plate so she seemed to stand out nicely on it.  This wooden plate now hangs on our wall and quietly watches over all who enter our home.

I have another Red Wing crock with a lid just calling for me to do something with it so we will have to see where that leads me. 
Until next time everyone!!  Stay creative and have fun!!!